Wednesday, 21 September 2016

Geometry Artwork

This week Room One started a geometry task on translation, rotation, reflection and enlargement. For this unit WALT explain and use the invariant properties of figures and objects under transformation (whakaata, hurihanga, nekehanga, ngakengake and whakarahi ).

First we made a strip and cut out eight triangles out of one square then we glued them on and we chose to do rotation, reflection and translation. Then we made another two and one of each included rotation, reflection and translation.

After that we had to do 3 challenges on enlarging and each challenge got harder. Scale factor is when you enlarge something by the scale factor of a number. Enlarging by a scale factor is when you just times the whole shape by a number. That’s what enlargement is drawing something something bigger. So for this bird down here you can see that is been enlarged by the scale factor of 2 so that means I had to times the bird by 2 and draw it.  

Screenshot 2016-09-21 at 12.07.13.pngScreenshot 2016-09-21 at 11.50.19.png

We had to look at artwork from other cultures and write a simple little report on the lines of symmetry on that artwork and write and explain about it. Also I realised something, this picture doesn’t have 2 lines of symmetry because the red and the black don’t go together.images (2).png

Then we had to start designing our art work. When we finished our artwork Ms Kemp photocopied out artwork 4 times and then we cut them out. Next we had to draw out a border in vivid on a big piece of paper. Then we had to choose where had how the positioning of the 4 pieces went on the paper and once we had done that we glued them on we had to write a piece of writing. My piece of writing is what you are reading now

The mataoroko has been nekehanga 3 times to the katau. Within these hikuaua you can also see hurihanga, whakaata, ngakengake and nekehanga. Also in my pattern I have rotation in my enlargement and rotation in all of the squares. The Js are reflected and translated and on the squares from the small one to the big one it has added 7 squares. There is a total of 39 squares and 16 Js.P1210749.JPG

Overall to wrap this topic up doing this was very fun and I enjoyed doing this artwork and everything else we did. Overall at the end I was happy with my results and and I had no idea it was going to look like this in the end.

Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Ted Talk

WALT show an increasing understanding of how to shape texts for different purposes and audiences.